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Fund A Need
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Every year, Gahanna-Jefferson Education Foundation partners with the district to provide funding for specific equipment needs. While the bulk of the money raised takes place during our the annual Gahanna Gala, donations are accepted all year!
This year's Fund-A-Need project is to provide Pocketalk translation devices for the front desks and EL staff in all Gahanna-Jefferson school buildings. Pocketalk provides the most accurate translations for conversations and visuals for over 80 languages.
- These devices will allow for clearer, on-the-spot conversation between school staff and family members when there is an urgent student need, which could be medical, safety, or academic.
- These devices are also useful for EL teachers and other school staff to provide support to students who are newcomers to the United States with little to no English skills. It would enable staff to help students find the restroom, get physical needs met, or simply hear and respond to student concerns.
(** These devices will not replace the use of professional interpreters for conferences or pre-scheduled meetings. )
With your donation of $260, you can provide one Pocketalk device for your school building!